There is an email circulating titled "This guy should be president" or " This is something I would vote for" suggesting that instead of bailing out AIG for $89B we should instead divvy it up between the 200M taxpayers for a payout of $425,000.00 each. He further suggests that this would allow the economy to reset itself as the taxpayers would then invest in more real estate, etc.
Did anyone else check the math? It's actually $425.00.
Have you received the email regarding giving the 89 billion AIG ballout to the 200 M taxpayers ?
Yes, I actually did the math in an answer here. What I suspect is the original idea came from someone in Great Britain. British English and the American version reverse the values for one billion and one trillion. So the math worked for them because they were using a different definition of one billion.
Reply:I am agreeing on the $425.00 figure. I do support a plan that would credit the "bailout" money to homeowners. Let us apply it to our mortgages. This would return our equity and infuse dollars into the banking system. The bank will be able to balance the "mark to market" accounting system and allow them to lend money again. No Wall Street solution needed and the taxpayer gets the windfall for once.
Reply:It probably originated from somewhere inside the DC beltway. Yeah, I promptly sent it back with the correction. Billion v. Trillion, what's the difference? Not much according to whomever came up with the crazy idea.
Reply:Check this out:
Reply:Classic case of trying to get people riled up by giving out false information.
Reply:I hope you didn't download anything from the email - likely it has a trojan in it.
It's a favourite trick.
Reply:I have been saying this for days. Basic math, this is why we are in the shape we are. They cannot even do basic math!
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