
Monday, October 12, 2009

If I believe I'm being approached online by email scam artists, who do I report it to?

I recently was approached by a person, through a myspace friendship request, who says they are a female trapped in Africa that needs assistance. I checked out some things online about email scams and read about Nigerian email scams. I'm sure this is what is going on with my situation. But, I don't know who to inform in order to stop them from continuing there actions? Any suggestions?
If I believe I'm being approached online by email scam artists, who do I report it to?
this happens to me all the time and I even blocked about a thousand emails but I still get them. ignore them and dont fall for ir
Reply:You give her the following.

1. You bank account info.

2. Your social security number

3. Your saving account number.

I am quite sure she will take only what she needs to survive and pay you back later.....

srsly, if you feel like you have to report everything to the authorities, then I hear Russia is looking for new citizens. Or even Cuba if its too cold.
Reply:You could try a complaints board such as:
Reply:Your attorney general could be a place to start, if you know who it is. Otherwise just delete.
Reply:Welcome to the internet.
Reply:stop all contact block the myspace accont hers not yours and send any emails to your spam filter

theres just too many of them for the police to do much
Reply:report to the myspace...yes scams are out there online..

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