Truly they are equal due to the fact that both of them are sending young men,womenand children to a blood-bath. how could you not see any similarities between the two.i'm a proud american myself and really it's not that deep. in my last question you should have seen my response after i rated an answer. that would have told you what my aim really was but your ignorance only allowed you to give the only thought to pop up in that ratty little meager mind of yours. i do not know if you're a Rascist PROUD AMERICAN but we as AMERICANS don't your type sending one second thoughts across the internet for our children to be viewing. please excuse the profile i gave about you.
Why did you call me a sick s.o.b.?where's your Email address?Mr.\Ms\Mrs. Proud American?
Forget it brother.
Reply:Huh????, how you can ramble on! (That last sentence was 38 words!) Do I detect a bit of anger here? lol
Reply:Who in the holy hell are you talking to?
Reply:Holy ****!!!! I HOPE you are not an American!!! If we ARE unfortunate enough to have you amongst us??? It's only a matter of time before we find and deport you!!!
Reply:You realise there is such thing as private messages, right?
scottish name
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